App Innovation Circle - 2018

It's always been a pleasure to present on Microsoft Azure Cloud.

Had an amazing experience in presenting Deep Dive on Microsft Azure and Serverless Computing at App Innovation Circle 2018 event held at Microsoft IDC, Hyderabad

App Innovation Circle 2018 Agenda:
App Innovation Circle 2018

Few pics from the Event:

Few helpful links on Function Apps, Logic Apps, ASP.NET Core, and Container:

Finally, I want to end this blog with an inspirational quote by a famous American writers William Arthur Ward who once said: "Curiosity is the Wick in the candle of Leaning".

Happy Learning...!! Do follow my blog for Azure Content. :)

Raghuram Korukonda

Most of my time I spent working on Azure and contributing to Microsoft Azure and other Open Source Communities. I am passionate about Technology and helping people in embracing it to the fullest.

Hyderabad, India

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