Azure Global VNET Peering

At Ignite, Microsoft has announced that we can use Global VNet Peering to peer virtual networks across Azure regions. Today, Microsoft has expanded its supporting regions — enabling direct VM-to-VM connectivity without any public internet involvement or any extra hops.

With just a few clicks, we can use Global VNet Peering to connect virtual networks across Azure regions to share resources or create a global, private peered virtual network. This enables a variety of scenarios such as data replication, disaster recovery, and database failover through private IPs alone.

You can now peer across the following regions:

  • Korea South
  • UK South
  • UK West
  • Canada East
  • India South
  • India Central
  • India West

The new regions add to the previously announced regions:

  • US West Central
  • Canada Central
  • US West 2

For more information, refer to our
documentation and pricing.

Raghuram Korukonda

Most of my time I spent working on Azure and contributing to Microsoft Azure and other Open Source Communities. I am passionate about Technology and helping people in embracing it to the fullest.

Hyderabad, India

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